2025 Ohio Clay Target League Schedule
North Ridgeville Trap Team Schedule
2025 Spring Season
February 4: Team and Student Registration Opens
March 2nd: Introduction to Sporting Clays @ SG&R 2:00 pm, Open to everyone
Scorekeepers training following the 12:30pm SCTP meeting
March 9th: New Athlete evaluation and Gun fitting: 2:00 pm
March 16th: Shooting Clinics
Introduction to Skeet: 1:00 pm
Beginner Trap shooters: Range Safety Class/Clinic 2:00 pm (Mandatory)
Intermediate Trap shooters: 3:00 pm, athletes averaging 15-19
Advanced Trap shooters: 4:00 pm, athletes averaging 20-25
March 17-21st: NRHS Spring Break
March 24th: Athlete registration closes Noon CT
March 27th: Sporting Clays practice @ SC 5:00 pm
March 30th: Trap and Skeet Practice 2:00 pm
April 3rd: Sporting Clays Reserve Week @ SC 5:00 pm
April 6th: Reserve Week Score
April 13th: Competition Week #1
April 17th: Sporting Clays Week #1 @ SC 5:00 pm
April 19th: SCTP Middletown Shoot
April 20th: Easter Sunday, No shooting
April 24th: Sporting Clays Week #2 @ SC 5:00 pm
April 27th: Competition Week #2
May 1st: Sporting Clays Week #3 @ SC 5:00 pm
May 4th: Competition Week #3
May 8th: Sporting Clays Week #4 @ SC 5:00 pm
May 9-11th: SCTP Regional @ Cardinal Center
Skeet: May 9th, Trap: May 10th, Sporting Clays: May 11th
May 11th: Competition Week #4
May 18th: Competition Week #5
May 22nd: Sporting Clays Week #5 @ SC 5:00 pm
May 26th: Season Final Results Posted
May 27th: National Championship Registration opens for Tier 1
May 29th: National Championship Registration opens for Tier 2
Sporting Clays Practice @ SC 5:00 pm
June 1st: Fun Day
June 6-8th: State Competition Blackwing Shooting Center **Everyone Participates**
Skeet: June 6th, Sporting Clays: June 7th, Trap: June 8th
June 12th: Sporting Clays practice @ SC 5:00 pm
June 14-16th: SCTP State Competition @ Cardinal Center
Sporting Clays: June 15th (Eagles Nest), Trap: June 16th, Skeet: June 17th
June 26th: Sporting Clays practice @ 5:00 pm
June 28th: North Ridgeville’s 2nd Annual Invitational at SG&R
July 9-13th: Nationals Mason Michigan
July 9-10th: Practice
July 11th: Team Competition
July 12th: Individual’s Competition
July 13th: Team and Individuals Finals
July 14-19th: SCTP National @ Cardinal Center
* Wednesday Practices will start March 26th and will continue until the end of the season.
* All official Sunday Practices and Competition weeks start at 2pm for Skeet and 3pm for Trap. There will be a brief team meeting at 3pm prior to shooting which EVERYONE is expected to attend.
We will shoot in ALL weather with the exception of lightning so please plan accordingly.
If any athlete is unable to make a Sunday competition due to an illness, school activity or family event, they must notify Jeremy Klepper (419)239-4024 or Mike Hessoun (440)223-1813 on or before that Sunday. Scores will be taken the following week on Wednesday. Make up Trap scores will be taken promptly at 5:30 pm @ trap house #1 and Skeet will be at 6:30pm @ skeet field #2.
*Please follow the Stack Team app for any scheduling updates, changes and notifications.
* SCTP athletes participating in any SCTP events the same weekend as a CTL competition week, have the option of using their scores for the CTL score. It must be declared in advance to an SCTP coach, and specify which rounds are going to be used.
Please try to support our home club Sportsmen’s Gun and Reel at their ATA registered shoots. All participation and help would greatly be appreciated. This would be a great way for our SCTP athletes to earn additional registered targets. Any athletes participating in the May 10th shoot that would like to use their scores for Week #4 must notify Jeremy or Mike to declare which rounds prior to shooting them.
04/18/2025 Easter Week Friday Shoot
05/10/2025 OSTA Champion of Champions Qualifier
06/07/2025 SGR Trophy Shoot
10/04/2025 National Trapshooting Day
Classification, squadding and practice traps open at 9:00 am. Pre-squadding is available on the Wednesday before at SGR clubhouse.
2025 SCTP Schedule
22 March: WPAFB SCTP shoot (including skeet?)
5 April: Hilltop Youth Shoot at Newport
12 April: Badin Queen City Classic at Fairfield
19 April: Mid American at Middletown
9-11 May: Regionals at Cardinal
31 May: Chippewa Buckeye Open (in conjunction with the Buckeye Open) at Cardinal Center
15 June: State Sporting Clays at Eagles Nest
16 June: State Trap at Cardinal
17 June: State Skeet at Cardinal
5-6 July: AIM State championship at Middletown
8-20 July: Nationals
24-29 July: AIM Grand
Other ATA shoots
17-18 May: OSTA zone shoots
23-25 May: Karens Cup at Cardinal
31 May: Buckeye Open at Cardinal
17-22 June: OSTA state shoot at Cardinal
30 July-9 Aug: AIM Grand
12-17 August: Cardinal Classic at Cardinal
12-14 Sept: Fall Freedom Classic at Cardinal
Don’t forget our SG&R ATA shoots.
At this time there is not a skeet shoot in March at Wright Patt. Historically we have participated in the shoots highlighted in red.
Please note the change for the SCTP state skeet shoot. It is now Tuesday, June 17 and NOT Saturday, June 15